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Ecclesiastes is often looked down upon as a negative book. While it certainly does show the futility of basing your life on the physical world, it ends up being very positive showing that there is a true basis for life. While written long ago, it is very relevent to today's world. We still ask questions like, "What does it all mean?".

These lessons look at small sections of the scriptures and then ask a series of questions intended to lead into thought and discussion about what the scriptures mean and how can we apply them to our lives.

A number of concepts are approached repeatedly within Ecclesiastes. The introduction goes further into some of these concepts to help us understand them more fully, as it is easy to gloss over them during a quick reading. Solomon can certainly seem repetitive in Ecclesiastes, but looking closer we see that he approaches them from different angles giving us a fuller discussion. The repetition also helps us remember his lessons, as the world very much tries to influence us into focusing on things of the futile goals of this world.

Online Lessons

Downloadable Editions

The student book download gathers all of the lessons together in one pdf file for download (instead of one pdf per lesson that is available on the individual lesson pages).

The teacher edition adds additional comments and information for discussion. It also includes quotations of the scriptures used.

2022, Mark May